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Thursday 28 January 2010

What is the drive for playing poker?-learn from the best

Probably behind pure entertainment, poker is a game which improves our self esteem. Thanks to the poker we can measure our abilities to speculate, resist pressure and adopt strategies.
So poker is the game which builds our self esteem and helps us prove yourself in relation to some other people.
Nevertheless, poker is also associated with the glamorous world of the rich and the famous. All this combined creates the magic of poker.
However for some people playing poker is associated with being a star, a winner, a person to which success is everyday routine.
Many people play poker simply for the fact that it can make you a winner the easiest way-the cards are before you-not it is up to you how you are gonna play this. Some will call it a drive for the thrill of a strategy that will or will not work.

However many think of poker as their primary hobby and business in life. Such people practice, prefect their abilities of reading the opponent and try new tricks.

So there are different poker player who are driven by different incentives this game can provide for your life and personality.

Before starting a game try to pre-read your opponents in the category-who they are, what are their goals and how will they behave. Are they focused on winning the game or just having fun. How long have they been playing poker. Such a pre-game research is typical for chess mate players who try to ready the opponent and decipher his style of playing.

On the other hand do not let the other decipher you either before and during the game. If you are to lost do it in a style that the others won’t extract any information about your personality and skills or otherwise you are going to play again yourself in the next game.

Poker is all about the game of character, strategy and wit. It is not a game which is won by the best but by those who know the game…even the best players sometimes forget about it and having a good memory is also vital in poker.

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Wednesday 27 January 2010

Fatal attraction

There is something magnetizing in poker and casino for sure. We may speculate what is the source of this attraction. Maybe it is a touch to the world of the rich-a place where everything is for luxury and pleasure. A place where the surrounding is glitter and colorful and you can prove to yourself and to the other that your skills make you deserve of being in such a world.
Conclusively, the casinos open to us a gate to the world of the rich and self-confident.
Most of the people lose money there-well, but these people more often than not can afford to lose and they for sure do not count every dollar before they spend it in the supermarket.
In addition a casino may be a place where you can joint the world of the rich and self-confident for small sums and win much –much more (or at least several casinos claim it)

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We don’t have to play for money to feel it though. The game and knowing its rules make the player sexy and attractive. No matter what the jackpot and kind of game. Pamela Anderson would agree with me I guess. Life with a professional poker player can be as exciting as the game itself I assume. Being a good poker player is mostly about a good strategy. So good night sleep is an important factor as well. Any circumstances which can affect the game.

Not every poker player keeps the discipline though. He appears as the young Dionysus. Beautiful, magnetizing and sexy with the fancy car and bright eyes. I don’t have UB pro in mind, although I am not taking loads of women away from him. He also can be attractive to the women with his individual style and self esteem.

I don’t reject the fact he can be attractive to other women

There’s plenty of naive people out there, who play the game not knowing the rules. They loose even more than money. They mostly wrecks in life, very unattractive picture.

People need attraction in their life to experience it deeper. Some people strive to live wiser and longer whilst some people would chose a shorter life but deprived of a routine and full with attractions.

Probably it is not the best idea co connect your life to gambling and poker playing, but there must be found a proper balance. One must know his poker playing skills level and financial possibilities. The more you get the rules the more sexy and self-confident you become and the more the world of glamorous casino is the right place for you. Nevertheless, at first you must find out what personal qualities you have and practice, practice, practice. Probably the gates of the glamorous casino will not be open to you right now but the online poker rooms provide all you’ll need in the beginning of your way: non-deposit bonuses, possibility to play with people at your level and o change it whenever you like…good luck then!
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How to win in online poker?

How to win in online poker?
By: Ian Johnson

Probably each poker player asks himself the particular question, and especially a beginner level player. The answer to his question seems quite simple-one Leeds to constantly educate himself, analyze his game and do as few mistakes as possible. But what is to be done to play at our best and be a winning player?
The below piece of advice is addressed to beginner level players, who hale just started their poker adventure. The majority of medium level players is already acquainted with the below points and uses them with a varied result. The majority of the below advice are to be found in the texts by our Poker School, however I assumed that it is worth gathering the most important advice in one place and in a short and accessible form point out to what is important to a good poker player.

Educate yourself
• Poker as a game requires at the same time both a theoretical education (books, articles, analysis) and practice. So if you would like to perfect your poker skills we must simultaneously read a lot and play a lot. The more we play the more we’ll know about this complex game

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Analyze your game
• Analyze your game. Not during the game but when it is over. Let’s try to discern the mistakes, discuss controversial situations with more experienced colleagues. The analysis of our own game is to bring us very soon real benefits
Take notes on the enemy.

• It is worth making notes on our rivals. More often then not an innocent note will facilitate us in taking a decision as well as such notes will help us in the further analyses of our cards. Pay attention what are the cards by which the rivals increase the stake, draw, bluff and so on.

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Poker Strategy and finances

Poker Strategy and finances
By: Ian Johnson


• Remember about the position role-one of the first and most important poker strategy elements , which each winning-oriented player has to absorb is the role of position. We must be aware of the role of a position and how to selct our cards regarding the position we are in. Without whis knowledge-winning in poker is impossible.

• Selection of the hands -The next important and basic element of poker strategy. If we are to achieve successes we must know which arms to play and even more important which arms are not to be played.

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• Be aggressive. Remember that each time we try to beat the stake we give ourselves two chances of winning-through showdown, or through forcing the rival to pass his cards. We must win at showing the card only at checking the tricks of the rivals


Do not aim high-remember to play with stakes which are right for our skills and finanscial resources. Probably the eagerness of fast money-earning is a luring perspective but remember that in poker everything needs to be achieved gradually. Lets then adopt a more patient approach, understanding of the game and enjoy the game on micro stakes and after having built a proper bankroll and gained some experience we can attack some higher levels. A bad bankroll management is one of the main reasons for painful and high losses which has de-motivated not just one or two players. Play only on such stakes at which the losses would not be too painful to you.

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Poker tells

Poker tells
By: Ian Johnson

Poker tells are divided on the fake ones and on the real ones. Beginners don’t have control over their emotions and behavior. They send the signals, which reveal if their hand is strong or not. More experienced players can fake it to mislead the opponents. How to recognize if the poker player tries tricks then?

We can suspect that our opponent acts, when he knows he’s being observed and the decision we’re going to make has the meaning to him. The beginner, who will pass his cards doesn’t really know that the opponents look at him recording that his behavior is authentic and he’s folded his cards having no interest in a further play.

What kind of fake tells we can observe then? There is one single rule: weakness means strength and strength means weakness. If the opponent gives us the impression his cards are not that strong, we shouldn’t believe him. He’s just trying to determine us to bet without a fear. The mechanism is simple: who would admit he got bad cards when he indeed got ones.

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Some of the player will demonstrate the weakness having bad cards. Some of the players can read it as the strong hand. Good players don’t use fake tells so often as it has its place between weaker poker players.

We can observe a simulated weakness by a few gestures, such as: long pause before making a raise, sigh, not making direct eye contact, softly tossing the chips in. We have to be careful when our opponent simulates the strength by looking at the board with an interest, watching the betting opponents, long checking his own cards, throwing chips down forcefully into the pot in an effort to discourage others from calling
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Psychology in poker

Psychology in poker
By: Ian Johnson

Accordingly to the known in poker world sentence that the poker rules are very simple, but we have to master the game an entire life  we are able to learn basic rules of the poker within 5 minutes, but difficulty of that game lies somewhere else. What takes an entire life to master then?

For the beginners it is good to know a few strategy tips, such as hand ranking, the position role in poker, basics of mathematic – odds. If the basic rules are behind us we should ask ourselves what makes poker player a good poker player? And what is the differ between weak and good player?

Poker psychology is the key in this case. Understanding rules of the psychology is very important in poker. Weak poker player can play as long as his emotions will allow to do so, however a bigger loss can break him totally and he won’t be able to play further. Discipline is the skill, which will put our emotions under control.
Poker is this kind of game, which wakes our emotions up – the positive and the negative ones. This requires a huge self control. We should know our weaknesses and try to control them, otherwise we’ll get into poker tilt loosing our chips within a few seconds. Everyone has the moment during the game, when he’s fed up with playing – the best thing to do is to leave the table for a while, even if it is a tournament.

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Poker is a game with a chance element as well, so our good decisions can be influenced simply by bad luck. We shouldn’t get mad as we can not have control over everything. There is no way we’d like to get our money back from the opponent who just beat us. This is the blind end – our weak psychological abilities. Loosing the money triggers our negative emotions. We should step back, understand our emotions from the distance and stay focused and calmed.
Don’t start the game if you’re already in a bad mood. If someone made your day miserable. You won’t forget about it during the game and it can badly influence your play.

Another thing is controlling the time. We have to know for how long we’d be able to play on our best. It could be 1 – 2 hours play with a half an hour break. Within the play it is the best to stay focused, so we could get the most out of the game. This is the individual case. We can prolong our game if we know our opponents are weak giving their money away easily. We should take a seat only when we well prepared. Playing when we’re bored or we have a few moments of our spare time is just another mistake, which can cost us money.

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Observation of the opponents in poker

Observation of the opponents in poker
By: Ian Johnson

One of the most important factors in playing poker is observation of our opponents and making notes. Not doing so is the most common mistake. Even if you fold the cards you should observe the action and how each of the players act.

We should note who and when play, from which position, with what hand and if they aggressive or passive. A good observation would give as an idea what kind of poker tells the players use on their side.

The best poker is not about our cards, but the opponents’ cards. If we would gather all of the information regarding a particular player’s style we would have a huge advantage as we would know what kind of hand he plays with. That’s the key to the success in that game.

We may influence our opponents. Poker is a game, where the rules are obvious. We can use all available tricks to get an advantage over other players. If we’d notice that one of the players gets angry easily we can use it by chatting with him for a while. This is a fight and the best wins – stronger personality, better skills and brighter mind.

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The mechanism mentioned above is very important from the winner point of view. We can not forget that without poker strategy those factors won’t help us much. Poker is a beautiful game because it is so simple and so complicated at the same time.

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